Source code for mpu.string

String manipulation, verification and formatting.

For more complex checks, you might want to use the
[validators]( package.

# Core Library
import socket
from email.utils import parseaddr
from typing import List, Optional, Union

# Third party
import pkg_resources
from typing_extensions import Literal  # necessary until 3.8

# First party

email_regex = r"[^@]*[^@\.]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+"

[docs]def is_email(potential_email_address: str) -> bool: """ Check if potential_email_address is a valid e-mail address. Please note that this function has no false-negatives but many false-positives. So if it returns that the input is not a valid e-mail adress, it certainly isn't. If it returns True, it might still be invalid. For example, the domain could not be registered. Parameters ---------- potential_email_address : str Returns ------- is_email : bool Examples -------- >>> is_email('') False >>> is_email('') True >>> is_email('') True >>> is_email('Martin Thoma <>') False >>> is_email('info@martin-thoma') False >>> is_email('Martin <>') False """ context, mail = parseaddr(potential_email_address) first_condition = len(context) == 0 dot_after_at = ( "@" in potential_email_address and "." in potential_email_address.split("@")[1] ) return first_condition and dot_after_at
[docs]def is_int(potential_int: str) -> bool: """ Check if potential_int is a valid integer. Parameters ---------- potential_int : str Returns ------- is_int : bool Examples -------- >>> is_int('123') True >>> is_int('1234567890123456789') True >>> is_int('0') True >>> is_int('-123') True >>> is_int('123.45') False >>> is_int('a') False >>> is_int('0x8') False """ try: int(potential_int) return True except ValueError: return False
[docs]def is_float(potential_float: str) -> bool: """ Check if potential_float is a valid float. Returns ------- is_float : bool Examples -------- >>> is_float('123') True >>> is_float('1234567890123456789') True >>> is_float('0') True >>> is_float('-123') True >>> is_float('123.45') True >>> is_float('a') False >>> is_float('0x8') False """ try: float(potential_float) return True except ValueError: return False
[docs]def str2bool(string_: str, default: Union[str, bool] = "raise") -> bool: """ Convert a string to a bool. Parameters ---------- string_ : str default : {'raise', False} Default behaviour if none of the "true" strings is detected. Returns ------- boolean : bool Examples -------- >>> str2bool('True') True >>> str2bool('1') True >>> str2bool('0') False """ if default not in ["raise", False]: raise ValueError(f"default was '{default}', but should be 'raise' or False") true = ["true", "t", "1", "y", "yes", "enabled", "enable", "on"] false = ["false", "f", "0", "n", "no", "disabled", "disable", "off"] if string_.lower() in true: return True elif string_.lower() in false or (not default): return False else: raise ValueError(f"The value '{string_}' cannot be mapped to boolean.")
[docs]def str2str_or_none(string_: str) -> Optional[str]: """ Convert a string to a str or to None. Parameters ---------- string_ : str Returns ------- str_or_none : bool or None Examples -------- >>> str2str_or_none('True') 'True' >>> str2str_or_none('1') '1' >>> str2str_or_none('0') '0' >>> str2str_or_none('undefined') """ if is_none(string_, default=False): return None else: return string_
[docs]def str2bool_or_none( string_: str, default: Literal["raise", False] = "raise" ) -> Optional[bool]: """ Convert a string to a bool or to None. Parameters ---------- string_ : str default : {'raise', False} Default behaviour if none of the "true" or "none" strings is detected. Returns ------- bool_or_none : bool or None Examples -------- >>> str2bool_or_none('True') True >>> str2bool_or_none('1') True >>> str2bool_or_none('0') False >>> str2bool_or_none('undefined') """ if default not in ["raise", False]: raise ValueError(f"default was '{default}', but should be 'raise' or False") if is_none(string_, default=False): return None else: return str2bool(string_, default)
[docs]def str2float_or_none(string_: str) -> Optional[float]: """ Convert a string to a float or to None. Parameters ---------- string_ : str Returns ------- float_or_none : float or None Examples -------- >>> str2float_or_none('1') 1.0 >>> str2float_or_none('1.2') 1.2 >>> str2float_or_none('undefined') """ if is_none(string_, default=False): return None else: return float(string_)
[docs]def str2int_or_none(string_: str) -> Optional[int]: """ Convert a string to a int or to None. Parameters ---------- string_ : str Returns ------- int_or_none : int or None Examples -------- >>> str2int_or_none('2') 2 >>> str2int_or_none('undefined') """ if is_none(string_, default=False): return None else: return int(string_)
[docs]def is_none(string_: str, default: Literal["raise", False] = "raise") -> bool: """ Check if a string is equivalent to None. Parameters ---------- string_ : str default : {'raise', False} Default behaviour if none of the "None" strings is detected. Returns ------- is_none : bool Examples -------- >>> is_none('2', default=False) False >>> is_none('undefined', default=False) True """ if default not in ["raise", False]: raise ValueError(f"default was '{default}', but should be 'raise' or False") none = ["none", "undefined", "unknown", "null", ""] if string_.lower() in none: return True elif not default: return False else: raise ValueError(f"The value '{string_}' cannot be mapped to none.")
[docs]def is_iban(potential_iban: str) -> bool: """ Check if a string is a valid IBAN number. IBAN is described in ISO 13616-1:2007 Part 1. Spaces are ignored. # CODE 0 = always zero b = BIC or National Bank code c = Account number i = holder's kennitala (national identification number) k = IBAN check digits n = Branch number t = Account type x = National check digit or character Examples -------- >>> is_iban('DE89 3704 0044 0532 0130 00') True >>> is_iban('DE89 3704 0044 0532 0130 01') False """ path = "data/iban.csv" # always use slash in Python packages filepath = pkg_resources.resource_filename("mpu", path) data =, delimiter=";", format="dicts") potential_iban = potential_iban.replace(" ", "") # Remove spaces if len(potential_iban) < min(int(el["length"]) for el in data): return False country = None for element in data: if element["iban_fields"][:2] == potential_iban[:2]: country = element break if country is None: return False if len(potential_iban) != int(country["length"]): return False if country["country_en"] == "Germany": checksum_vals = [ value for field_type, value in zip(country["iban_fields"], potential_iban) if field_type == "k" ] checksum_val = "".join(checksum_vals) checksum_exp = _calculate_german_iban_checksum( potential_iban, country["iban_fields"] ) return checksum_val == checksum_exp return True
[docs]def is_ipv4( potential_ipv4: str, allow_leading_zeros: bool = False, allow_shortened_addresses: bool = False, ) -> bool: """ Check if a string is a valid IPv4 address. Parameters ---------- potential_ipv4 : str allow_leading_zeros : bool (default: False) allow_shortened_addresses : bool (default: False) Returns ------- is_valid : bool Examples -------- >>> is_ipv4("") True >>> is_ipv4("192.168..4") False >>> is_ipv4("", allow_leading_zeros=True) True >>> is_ipv4("", allow_leading_zeros=False) False >>> is_ipv4("") False >>> is_ipv4("4", allow_shortened_addresses=True) True >>> is_ipv4("4", allow_shortened_addresses=False) False """ if not allow_shortened_addresses and potential_ipv4.count(".") != 3: return False try: socket.inet_aton(potential_ipv4) except OSError: return False if allow_leading_zeros: return True else: return all( len(block) == 1 or block[0] != "0" for block in potential_ipv4.split(".") )
def _calculate_german_iban_checksum( iban: str, iban_fields: str = "DEkkbbbbbbbbcccccccccc" ) -> str: """ Calculate the checksum of the German IBAN format. Examples -------- >>> iban = 'DE41500105170123456789' >>> _calculate_german_iban_checksum(iban) '41' """ numbers: List[str] = [ value for field_type, value in zip(iban_fields, iban) if field_type in ["b", "c"] ] translate = { "0": "0", "1": "1", "2": "2", "3": "3", "4": "4", "5": "5", "6": "6", "7": "7", "8": "8", "9": "9", } for i in range(ord("A"), ord("Z") + 1): translate[chr(i)] = str(i - ord("A") + 10) for val in "DE00": translated = translate[val] for char in translated: numbers.append(char) number = sum(int(value) * 10**i for i, value in enumerate(numbers[::-1])) checksum = 98 - (number % 97) return str(checksum)
[docs]def human_readable_bytes(nb_bytes: Union[int, float], suffix: str = "B") -> str: """ Convert a byte number into a human readable format. Parameters ---------- nb_bytes : Union[int, float] suffix : str, optional (default: "B") Returns ------- size_str : str Examples -------- >>> human_readable_bytes(123) '123.0 B' >>> human_readable_bytes(1025) '1.0 KiB' >>> human_readable_bytes(9671406556917033397649423) '8.0 YiB' """ for unit in ["", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi", "Ei", "Zi"]: if abs(nb_bytes) < 1024.0: return f"{nb_bytes:3.1f} {unit}{suffix}" nb_bytes /= 1024.0 return f"{nb_bytes:.1f} Yi{suffix}"