Source code for mpu

"""mpu: Martins Python Utilities."""

# Core Library
import logging
import math as math_stl
import random
import traceback
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Tuple, Union

# First party
from mpu import io, shell, string, units  # noqa
from mpu._version import __version__  # noqa

[docs]def parallel_for( loop_function: Callable[[Any], Any], parameters: List[Tuple[Any, ...]], nb_threads: int = 100, ) -> List[Any]: """ Execute the loop body in parallel. .. note:: Race-Conditions Executing code in parallel can cause an error class called "race-condition". Parameters ---------- loop_function : Callable Python function which takes a tuple as input parameters : List[Tuple] Each element here should be executed in parallel. Returns ------- return_values : list of return values """ import multiprocessing.pool from contextlib import closing with closing(multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool(nb_threads)) as pool: return, parameters)
[docs]def clip( number: Union[int, float], lowest: Union[None, int, float] = None, highest: Union[None, int, float] = None, ) -> Union[int, float]: """ Clip a number to a given lowest / highest value. Parameters ---------- number : number lowest : number, optional highest : number, optional Returns ------- clipped_number : number Examples -------- >>> clip(42, lowest=0, highest=10) 10 """ if lowest is not None: number = max(number, lowest) if highest is not None: number = min(number, highest) return number
[docs]def consistent_shuffle(*lists: List[List[Any]]) -> Tuple[List[Any], ...]: """ Shuffle lists consistently. Parameters ---------- *lists Variable length number of lists Returns ------- shuffled_lists : tuple of lists All of the lists are shuffled consistently Examples -------- >>> import mpu, random; random.seed(8) >>> mpu.consistent_shuffle([1,2,3], ['a', 'b', 'c'], ['A', 'B', 'C']) ([3, 2, 1], ['c', 'b', 'a'], ['C', 'B', 'A']) """ perm = list(range(len(lists[0]))) random.shuffle(perm) lists = tuple([sublist[index] for index in perm] for sublist in lists) return lists
[docs]class Location: """ Define a single point. Parameters ---------- latitude : float in [-90, 90] - from North to South longitude : float in [-180, 180] - from West to East """ def __init__(self, latitude: float, longitude: float): self.latitude = latitude self.longitude = longitude @property def latitude(self) -> float: """Getter for latiutde.""" return self._latitude @latitude.setter def latitude(self, latitude: float): """Setter for latiutde.""" if not (-90 <= latitude <= 90): raise ValueError( "latitude was {}, but has to be in [-90, 90]".format(latitude) ) self._latitude = latitude @property def longitude(self) -> float: """Getter for longitude.""" return self._longitude @longitude.setter def longitude(self, longitude: float): """Setter for longitude.""" if not (-180 <= longitude <= 180): raise ValueError( "longitude was {}, but has to be in [-180, 180]".format(longitude) ) self._longitude = longitude
[docs] def distance(self, there: "Location") -> float: """ Calculate the distance from this location to there. Parameters ---------- there : Location Returns ------- distance_in_m : float """ return haversine_distance( (self.latitude, self.longitude), (there.latitude, there.longitude) )
def __repr__(self): """Get an unambiguous representation.""" return "Location({}, {})".format(self.latitude, self.longitude) __str__ = __repr__
[docs]def haversine_distance( origin: Tuple[float, float], destination: Tuple[float, float] ) -> float: """ Calculate the Haversine distance. Parameters ---------- origin : Tuple[float, float] (lat, long) destination : Tuple[float, float] (lat, long) Returns ------- distance_in_km : float Examples -------- >>> munich = (48.1372, 11.5756) >>> berlin = (52.5186, 13.4083) >>> round(haversine_distance(munich, berlin), 1) 504.2 >>> new_york_city = (40.712777777778, -74.005833333333) # NYC >>> round(haversine_distance(berlin, new_york_city), 1) 6385.3 """ lat1, lon1 = origin lat2, lon2 = destination if not (-90.0 <= lat1 <= 90): raise ValueError("lat1={:2.2f}, but must be in [-90,+90]".format(lat1)) if not (-90.0 <= lat2 <= 90): raise ValueError("lat2={:2.2f}, but must be in [-90,+90]".format(lat2)) if not (-180.0 <= lon1 <= 180): raise ValueError("lon1={:2.2f}, but must be in [-180,+180]".format(lat1)) if not (-180.0 <= lon2 <= 180): raise ValueError("lon1={:2.2f}, but must be in [-180,+180]".format(lat1)) radius = 6371 # km dlat = math_stl.radians(lat2 - lat1) dlon = math_stl.radians(lon2 - lon1) a = math_stl.sin(dlat / 2) * math_stl.sin(dlat / 2) + math_stl.cos( math_stl.radians(lat1) ) * math_stl.cos(math_stl.radians(lat2)) * math_stl.sin(dlon / 2) * math_stl.sin( dlon / 2 ) c = 2 * math_stl.atan2(math_stl.sqrt(a), math_stl.sqrt(1 - a)) d = radius * c return d
[docs]def is_in_intervall(value, min_value, max_value, name="variable"): """ Raise an exception if value is not in an interval. Parameters ---------- value : orderable min_value : orderable max_value : orderable name : str Name of the variable to print in exception. """ if not (min_value <= value <= max_value): raise ValueError( "{}={} is not in [{}, {}]".format(name, value, min_value, max_value) )
[docs]def exception_logging(exctype, value, tb): """ Log exception by using the root logger. Use it as `sys.excepthook = exception_logging`. Parameters ---------- exctype : type value : NameError tb : traceback """ write_val = { "exception_type": str(exctype), "message": str(traceback.format_tb(tb, 10)), } logging.exception(str(write_val))