Source code for mpu.datastructures

#!/usr/bin/env python

"""Utility datastructures."""

# Core Library
import collections
import logging
from copy import deepcopy

# First party
from mpu.datastructures.trie import Trie  # noqa

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class EList(list): """ Enhanced List. This class supports every operation a normal list supports. Additionally, you can call it with a list as an argument. Examples -------- >>> l = EList([2, 1, 0]) >>> l[2] 0 >>> l[[2, 0]] [0, 2] >>> l[l] [0, 1, 2] """ def __init__(self, *args): list.__init__(self, *args) def __getitem__(self, key): """ Retrieve one or multiple elements. Parameters ---------- key : int or List[int] Returns ------- value : EList or element """ if isinstance(key, list): return EList([self[index] for index in key]) else: return list.__getitem__(self, key)
[docs] def remove_indices(self, indices): """ Remove rows by which have the given indices. Parameters ---------- indices : list Returns ------- filtered_list : EList """ new_list = [] for index, element in enumerate(self): if index not in indices: new_list.append(element) return EList(new_list)
[docs]def flatten(iterable, string_flattening=False): """ Flatten an given iterable of iterables into one list. Parameters ---------- iterable : iterable string_flattening : bool If this is False, then strings are NOT flattened Returns ------- flat_list : List Examples -------- >>> flatten([1, [2, [3]]]) [1, 2, 3] >>> flatten(((1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6))) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] >>> flatten(EList([EList([1, 2]), (3, [4, [[5]]])])) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] """ flat_list = [] for item in iterable: is_iterable = isinstance(item, and ( string_flattening or (not isinstance(item, str)) ) if is_iterable: flat_list.extend(flatten(item)) else: flat_list.append(item) return flat_list
[docs]def dict_merge(dict_left, dict_right, merge_method="take_left_shallow"): r""" Merge two dictionaries. This method does NOT modify dict_left or dict_right! Apply this method multiple times if the dictionary is nested. Parameters ---------- dict_left : dict dict_right: dict merge_method : {'take_left_shallow', 'take_left_deep', \ 'take_right_shallow', 'take_right_deep', \ 'sum'} * take_left_shallow: Use both dictinaries. If both have the same key, take the value of dict_left * take_left_deep : If both dictionaries have the same key and the value is a dict for both again, then merge those sub-dictionaries * take_right_shallow : See take_left_shallow * take_right_deep : See take_left_deep * sum : sum up both dictionaries. If one does not have a value for a key of the other, assume the missing value to be zero. Returns ------- merged_dict : dict Examples -------- >>> dict_merge({'a': 1, 'b': 2}, {'c': 3}) == {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3} True >>> out = dict_merge({'a': {'A': 1}}, ... {'a': {'A': 2, 'B': 3}}, 'take_left_deep') >>> expected = {'a': {'A': 1, 'B': 3}} >>> out == expected True >>> out = dict_merge({'a': {'A': 1}}, ... {'a': {'A': 2, 'B': 3}}, 'take_left_shallow') >>> expected = {'a': {'A': 1}} >>> out == expected True >>> out = dict_merge({'a': 1, 'b': {'c': 2}}, ... {'b': {'c': 3, 'd': 4}}, ... 'sum') >>> expected = {'a': 1, 'b': {'c': 5, 'd': 4}} >>> out == expected True """ if merge_method in ["take_right_shallow", "take_right_deep"]: return _dict_merge_right(dict_left, dict_right, merge_method) elif merge_method == "take_left_shallow": return dict_merge(dict_right, dict_left, "take_right_shallow") elif merge_method == "take_left_deep": return dict_merge(dict_right, dict_left, "take_right_deep") elif merge_method == "sum": new_dict = deepcopy(dict_left) for key, value in dict_right.items(): if key not in new_dict: new_dict[key] = value else: recurse = isinstance(value, dict) if recurse: new_dict[key] = dict_merge( dict_left[key], dict_right[key], merge_method="sum" ) else: new_dict[key] = dict_left[key] + dict_right[key] return new_dict else: raise NotImplementedError( "merge_method='{}' is not known.".format(merge_method) )
def _dict_merge_right(dict_left, dict_right, merge_method): """See documentation of mpu.datastructures.dict_merge.""" new_dict = deepcopy(dict_left) for key, value in dict_right.items(): if key not in new_dict: new_dict[key] = deepcopy(value) else: recurse = ( merge_method == "take_right_deep" and isinstance(dict_left[key], dict) and isinstance(dict_right[key], dict) ) if recurse: new_dict[key] = dict_merge( dict_left[key], dict_right[key], merge_method="take_right_deep", ) else: new_dict[key] = value return new_dict
[docs]def set_dict_value(dictionary, keys, value): """ Set a value in a (nested) dictionary by defining a list of keys. .. note:: Side-effects This function does not make a copy of dictionary, but directly edits it. Parameters ---------- dictionary : dict keys : List[Any] value : object Returns ------- dictionary : dict Examples -------- >>> d = {'a': {'b': {'c': 'x', 'f': 'g'}, 'd': 'e'}} >>> expected = {'a': {'b': {'c': 'foobar', 'f': 'g'}, 'd': 'e'}} >>> set_dict_value(d, ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'foobar') == expected True """ orig = dictionary for key in keys[:-1]: dictionary = dictionary.setdefault(key, {}) dictionary[keys[-1]] = value return orig
[docs]def does_keychain_exist(dict_, list_): """ Check if a sequence of keys exist in a nested dictionary. Parameters ---------- dict_ : Dict[str/int/tuple, Any] list_ : List[str/int/tuple] Returns ------- keychain_exists : bool Examples -------- >>> d = {'a': {'b': {'c': 'd'}}} >>> l_exists = ['a', 'b'] >>> does_keychain_exist(d, l_exists) True >>> l_no_existant = ['a', 'c'] >>> does_keychain_exist(d, l_no_existant) False """ for key in list_: if key not in dict_: return False dict_ = dict_[key] return True
[docs]class IntervalLike: """ Anything like an interval or a union of an interval. As mpu supports Python 2.7 until 2020 and does not want to include extra dependencies, ABC cannot be used. """
[docs] def is_empty(self): """Return if the IntervalLike is empty.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def issubset(self, other): """ Check if the interval "self" is completely inside of other. Parameters ---------- other : IntervalLike Returns ------- is_inside : bool """
[docs] def union(self, other): """ Combine two Intervals. Parameters ---------- other : IntervalLike Returns ------- interval_union : IntervalLike """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def intersection(self, other): """ Intersect two IntervalLike objects. Parameters ---------- other : IntervalLike Returns ------- intersected : IntervalLike """
[docs]class Interval(IntervalLike): """ Representation of an interval. The empty interval is represented as left=None, right=None. Left and right have to be comparable. Typically, it would be numbers or dates. Parameters ---------- left : object right : object """ def __init__(self, left=None, right=None): if int(left is None) + int(right is None) not in [0, 2]: raise RuntimeError("Either left and right are None, or neither.") elif (left is not None) and (left > right): raise RuntimeError("left may not be bigger than right") self.left = left self.right = right
[docs] def is_empty(self): """Return if the interval is empty.""" return self.left is None
[docs] def union(self, other): """ Combine two Intervals. Parameters ---------- other : IntervalLike Returns ------- interval_union : IntervalLike """ # Capture special cases if self.is_empty(): return other elif other.is_empty(): return self # Standardize - after this step, the other.left is left of self.left if other.left > self.left: other, self = self, other # Go through all cases if other.right < self.left: # Completely disjunct return IntervalUnion([self, other]) elif other.right == self.left: # next to each other return Interval(other.left, self.right) elif other.right <= self.right: return Interval(other.left, self.right) elif other.right > self.right: # other is a superset of self return other else: # This should never happen raise NotImplementedError(f"Can't merge {self} and {other}")
[docs] def intersection(self, other): """ Intersect two IntervalLike objects. Parameters ---------- other : IntervalLike Returns ------- intersected : IntervalLike """ # Any intersection with an empty interval is empty if self.is_empty() or other.is_empty(): return Interval(None, None) if isinstance(other, IntervalUnion): return other.intersection(self) # Standardize - after this step, the other.left is left of self.left if other.left > self.left: other, self = self, other # Go through all cases if other.right < self.left: # Completely disjunct return Interval(None, None) elif other.right == self.left: # next to each other return Interval(other.right, other.right) elif other.right <= self.right: return Interval(self.left, other.right) elif other.right > self.right: # other is a superset of self return self else: # This should never happen raise NotImplementedError(f"Can't intersect {self} and {other}")
def __repr__(self): """Get an unambiguous representation.""" if self.is_empty(): return "Interval()" else: return "Interval({}, {})".format(self.left, self.right) def __str__(self): """Get an human-readable representation.""" if self.is_empty(): return "[]" else: return "[{}, {}]".format(self.left, self.right) __and__ = intersection __or__ = union def __eq__(self, other): """Check if other is equal to this object.""" if isinstance(other, (Interval, IntervalUnion)): return self.issubset(other) and other.issubset(self) else: return False
[docs] def issubset(self, other): """ Check if the interval "self" is completely inside of other. Parameters ---------- other : IntervalLike Returns ------- is_inside : bool """ if self.is_empty(): return True elif other.is_empty(): # This could only be true, if self was empty as well # The order of those if / elif blocks matters here! return False elif isinstance(other, Interval): return other.left <= self.left <= self.right <= other.right elif isinstance(other, IntervalUnion): for interval in other.intervals: if self.issubset(interval): return True return else: raise RuntimeError( "issubset is only defined on Interval and " "IntervalUnion, " "but {} was given".format(type(other)) )
[docs]class IntervalUnion(IntervalLike): """A union of Intervals.""" def __init__(self, intervals): if not isinstance(intervals, list): raise TypeError("'{}' is not a list".format(type(intervals))) self.intervals = [] for interval in intervals: if isinstance(interval, Interval): self.intervals.append(interval) else: if len(interval) == 0: self.intervals.append(Interval()) else: self.intervals.append(Interval(interval[0], interval[1]))
[docs] def is_empty(self): """Return if the IntervalUnion is empty.""" for interval in self.intervals: if not interval.is_empty(): return False return True
[docs] def issubset(self, other): """ Check if this IntervalUnion is completely inside of `other`. Parameters ---------- other : Interval or IntervalUnion Returns ------- is_inside : bool """ self._simplify() if isinstance(other, Interval): # If every interval of this is inside the interval `other`, # then this IntervalUnion is completely in `other`. for interval in self.intervals: if not interval.issubset(other): return False return True elif isinstance(other, IntervalUnion): for interval in self.intervals: if not interval.issubset(other): return False return True else: raise RuntimeError( "issubset is only defined on Interval and " "IntervalUnion, " "but {} was given".format(type(other)) )
def _get_keypoints(self): """ Get all points which are relevant for this IntervalUnion. Returns ------- keypoints : List[object] """ keypoints = [] for interval in self.intervals: keypoints.append(interval.left) keypoints.append(interval.right) return keypoints def _simplify(self): """ Simplify the representation of the components. This means: 1. Making sure that the minimum number of components is used 2. The intervals are in order (by left element) Returns ------- simplified_interval_union : IntervalUnion Please note that this is guaranteed to stay an IntervalUnion, even if it collapses to a single interval. """ if len(self.intervals) == 0: return self.intervals = sorted(self.intervals, key=lambda n: n.left) simpler_intervals = [self.intervals[0]] for interval in self.intervals[1:]: combined = simpler_intervals[-1].union(interval) if isinstance(combined, Interval): simpler_intervals[-1] = combined else: simpler_intervals.append(interval) self.intervals = simpler_intervals
[docs] def union(self, other): """ Return the union between this IntervalUnion and another object. Parameters ---------- other : Interval or IntervalUnion Returns ------- union : Interval or IntervalUnion """ if isinstance(other, Interval): self.intervals.append(other) elif isinstance(other, IntervalUnion): self.intervals += other.intervals else: raise RuntimeError("Union with type={} not supported".format(type(other))) self._simplify() return self
[docs] def intersection(self, other): """ Return the intersection between this IntervalUnion and another object. This changes the object itself! Parameters ---------- other : Interval or IntervalUnion Returns ------- intersection : Interval or IntervalUnion """ if isinstance(other, Interval): self.intervals = [ interval.intersection(other) for interval in self.intervals ] self._simplify() return self elif isinstance(other, IntervalUnion): keypoints_self = sorted(self._get_keypoints()) keypoints_other = sorted(other._get_keypoints()) keypoints = sorted(keypoints_self + keypoints_other) new_intervals = [] for i in range(len(keypoints) - 1): left, right = keypoints[i], keypoints[i + 1] interval = Interval(left, right) if interval.issubset(self) and interval.issubset(other): new_intervals.append(interval) return IntervalUnion(new_intervals) else: raise RuntimeError( "Intersection with type={} not supported".format(type(other)) )
def __repr__(self): """Get an unambiguous representation.""" return "IntervalUnion(" + str(self.intervals) + ")" def __str__(self): return str(self.intervals) def __eq__(self, other): """Check if other is equal to this object.""" if isinstance(other, (IntervalUnion, Interval)): return self.issubset(other) and other.issubset(self) else: return False __and__ = intersection __or__ = union