Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python

"""Reading and writing common file formats."""

# Core Library
import csv
import hashlib
import json
import os
import pickle
import platform
from datetime import datetime

# First party
from mpu.datastructures import EList

[docs]def read(filepath: str, **kwargs): """ Read a file. Supported formats: * CSV * JSON, JSONL * pickle Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to the file that should be read. This methods action depends mainly on the file extension. kwargs : dict Any keywords for the specific file format. For CSV, this is 'delimiter', 'quotechar', 'skiprows', 'format' Returns ------- data : Union[str, bytes] or other (e.g. format=dicts) """ if filepath.lower().endswith(".csv"): return _read_csv(filepath, kwargs) elif filepath.lower().endswith(".json"): with open(filepath) as data_file: data = json.load(data_file, **kwargs) return data elif filepath.lower().endswith(".jsonl"): return _read_jsonl(filepath, kwargs) elif filepath.lower().endswith(".pickle"): with open(filepath, "rb") as handle: data = pickle.load(handle) return data elif filepath.lower().endswith(".yml") or filepath.lower().endswith(".yaml"): raise NotImplementedError( "YAML is not supported, because you need " "PyYAML in Python3. " "See " "" " as a guide how to use it." ) elif filepath.lower().endswith(".h5") or filepath.lower().endswith(".hdf5"): raise NotImplementedError( "HDF5 is not supported. See " "" " as a guide how to use it." ) else: raise NotImplementedError("File '{}' is not known.".format(filepath))
def _read_csv(filepath: str, kwargs): """See documentation of""" if "delimiter" not in kwargs: kwargs["delimiter"] = "," if "quotechar" not in kwargs: kwargs["quotechar"] = '"' if "skiprows" not in kwargs: kwargs["skiprows"] = [] if isinstance(kwargs["skiprows"], int): kwargs["skiprows"] = [i for i in range(kwargs["skiprows"])] if "format" in kwargs: format_ = kwargs["format"] kwargs.pop("format", None) else: format_ = "default" skiprows = kwargs["skiprows"] kwargs.pop("skiprows", None) with open(filepath) as fp: if format_ == "default": reader = csv.reader(fp, **kwargs) data_tmp = EList([row for row in reader]) data = data_tmp.remove_indices(skiprows) elif format_ == "dicts": reader_list = csv.DictReader(fp, **kwargs) data = [row for row in reader_list] else: raise NotImplementedError("Format '{}' unknown".format(format_)) return data def _read_jsonl(filepath: str, kwargs): """See documentation of""" with open(filepath) as data_file: data = [json.loads(line, **kwargs) for line in data_file if len(line) > 0] return data
[docs]def write(filepath: str, data, **kwargs): """ Write a file. Supported formats: * CSV * JSON, JSONL * pickle Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to the file that should be read. This methods action depends mainly on the file extension. data : dict or list Content that should be written kwargs : dict Any keywords for the specific file format. Returns ------- data : str or bytes """ if filepath.lower().endswith(".csv"): return _write_csv(filepath, data, kwargs) elif filepath.lower().endswith(".json"): return _write_json(filepath, data, kwargs) elif filepath.lower().endswith(".jsonl"): return _write_jsonl(filepath, data, kwargs) elif filepath.lower().endswith(".pickle"): return _write_pickle(filepath, data, kwargs) elif filepath.lower().endswith(".yml") or filepath.lower().endswith(".yaml"): raise NotImplementedError( "YAML is not supported, because you need " "PyYAML in Python3. " "See " "" " as a guide how to use it." ) elif filepath.lower().endswith(".h5") or filepath.lower().endswith(".hdf5"): raise NotImplementedError( "YAML is not supported. See " "" " as a guide how to use it." ) else: raise NotImplementedError("File '{}' is not known.".format(filepath))
def _write_csv(filepath: str, data, kwargs): """See documentation of""" with open(filepath, "w") as fp: if "delimiter" not in kwargs: kwargs["delimiter"] = "," if "quotechar" not in kwargs: kwargs["quotechar"] = '"' with open(filepath, "w") as fp: writer = csv.writer(fp, **kwargs) writer.writerows(data) return data def _write_json(filepath: str, data, kwargs): """See documentation of""" with open(filepath, "w", encoding="utf8") as outfile: if "indent" not in kwargs: kwargs["indent"] = 4 if "sort_keys" not in kwargs: kwargs["sort_keys"] = True if "separators" not in kwargs: kwargs["separators"] = (",", ": ") if "ensure_ascii" not in kwargs: kwargs["ensure_ascii"] = False str_ = json.dumps(data, **kwargs) outfile.write(str_) return data def _write_jsonl(filepath: str, data, kwargs): """See documentation of""" with open(filepath, "w", encoding="utf8") as outfile: kwargs["indent"] = None # JSON has to be on one line! if "sort_keys" not in kwargs: kwargs["sort_keys"] = True if "separators" not in kwargs: kwargs["separators"] = (",", ": ") if "ensure_ascii" not in kwargs: kwargs["ensure_ascii"] = False for line in data: str_ = json.dumps(line, **kwargs) outfile.write(str_) outfile.write("\n") return data def _write_pickle(filepath: str, data, kwargs): """See documentation of""" if "protocol" not in kwargs: kwargs["protocol"] = pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL with open(filepath, "wb") as handle: pickle.dump(data, handle, **kwargs) return data
[docs]def urlread(url: str, encoding="utf8"): """ Read the content of an URL. Parameters ---------- url : str Returns ------- content : str """ from urllib.request import urlopen response = urlopen(url) content = content = content.decode(encoding) return content
[docs]def download(source: str, sink=None): """ Download a file. Parameters ---------- source : str Where the file comes from. Some URL. sink : str or None (default: same filename in current directory) Where the file gets stored. Some filepath in the local file system. """ from urllib.request import urlretrieve if sink is None: sink = os.path.abspath(os.path.split(source)[1]) urlretrieve(source, sink) return sink
[docs]def hash(filepath: str, method="sha1", buffer_size=65536): """ Calculate a hash of a local file. Parameters ---------- filepath : str method : {'sha1', 'md5'} buffer_size : int, optional (default: 65536 byte = 64 KiB) in byte Returns ------- hash : str """ if method == "sha1": hash_function = hashlib.sha1() elif method == "md5": hash_function = hashlib.md5() else: raise NotImplementedError( "Only md5 and sha1 hashes are known, but " " '{}' was specified.".format(method) ) with open(filepath, "rb") as fp: while True: data = if not data: break hash_function.update(data) return hash_function.hexdigest()
[docs]def get_creation_datetime(filepath: str): """ Get the date that a file was created. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Returns ------- creation_datetime : datetime.datetime or None """ if platform.system() == "Windows": return datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getctime(filepath)) else: stat = os.stat(filepath) try: return datetime.fromtimestamp(stat.st_birthtime) except AttributeError: # We're probably on Linux. No easy way to get creation dates here, # so we'll settle for when its content was last modified. return None
[docs]def get_modification_datetime(filepath: str): """ Get the datetime that a file was last modified. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Returns ------- modification_datetime : datetime.datetime """ import tzlocal timezone = tzlocal.get_localzone() mtime = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(filepath)) return mtime.replace(tzinfo=timezone)
[docs]def get_access_datetime(filepath: str): """ Get the last time filepath was accessed. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Returns ------- access_datetime : datetime.datetime """ import tzlocal tz = tzlocal.get_localzone() mtime = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getatime(filepath)) return mtime.replace(tzinfo=tz)
[docs]def get_file_meta(filepath: str): """ Get meta-information about a file. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Returns ------- meta : dict """ meta = {} meta["filepath"] = os.path.abspath(filepath) meta["creation_datetime"] = get_creation_datetime(filepath) meta["last_access_datetime"] = get_access_datetime(filepath) meta["modification_datetime"] = get_modification_datetime(filepath) try: import magic f_mime = magic.Magic(mime=True, uncompress=True) f_other = magic.Magic(mime=False, uncompress=True) meta["mime"] = f_mime.from_file(meta["filepath"]) meta["magic-type"] = f_other.from_file(meta["filepath"]) except ImportError: pass return meta
[docs]def gzip_file(source: str, sink: str): """ Create a GZIP file from a source file. Parameters ---------- source : str Filepath sink : str Filepath """ import gzip with open(source, "rb") as f_in,, "wb") as f_out: f_out.writelines(f_in)